Helping to unlock the doors to student achievement and growth.

Formative and Summative Assessments

Student Assessment



Accurately reflecting student knowledge and skill…

Student grading has evolved over the years and no longer resembles the way I used to keep my grade book when I first started teaching in the 1990’s.  Now, teachers are required to record assessments of learning called summative assessments and assessments for learning called formative assessments, with the latter not used in grade calculations unless it is deemed useful as a summative assessment…..confusing...right..and we are supposed to be the experts.  The entire issue of grading has been a bone of contention for teachers, especially those in districts where a standards-based report card is not in place and there are strict grading policies mandating the number of grades in sections like homework, classwork, test grades, daily work, etc. We can help your teachers understand the purpose and difference between formative and summative assessments, when a formative assessment may become a summative assessment and when a summative assessment may become a formative assessment.  It all makes sense when teachers understand it, and more importantly, when they can explain it to parents and students.